
The Coin Bullion Store

Precious Metals

We Pay Cash for Silver, Gold, Platinum and Sterling Silver

!!Silver Special!!

1 oz American Silver Eagles Spot + $2.50

1 oz Silver Buffalo Rounds Spot + $.60

Monster Box 500 1 oz Silver Buffalo Rounds Spot + $.50 

90% Silver US Dimes, Quarters and Half Dollars Face X 21.5

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WE PAY CASH for coins and bullions

The Coin And Bullion Store is your local Phoenix Valley source to buy and sell gold and silver coins and bullion. We deal in all government and private minted gold and silver coins, rounds, bars and Constitutional (Junk) silver. Check our current buy and sell prices.


gold, silver and platinum spot prices.

Gold Price

Silver Price

Platinum Price

Note: The items below are only a sampling of the coin and bullion items that we buy and sell
